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This is the founders.menu #buildinpublic space. A home to discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues. You can submit new posts, check updates and dive into the roadmap to see whats cooking. How would you rate your experience?
This is the founders.menu #buildinpublic space. A home to discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues. You can submit new posts, check updates and dive into the roadmap to see whats cooking.
This is the founders.menu #buildinpublic space. A home to discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues. You can submit new posts, check updates and dive into the roadmap to see whats cooking.
changed title "Filter by
stagetype of items "changed description "Simply allowing you to select what
stage(e.g.Idea->Concept)youtype of item it is (Tools, Reads, Listens, Streams) you would like to discover products for. "changed title "Filter by
typeofitems "description "Simply allowing you to select what type of stage an itemitis(Tools,Reads,Listens,Streams)youin (e.g. Idea → Concept) you would like to discover products for. "